Creator of the world’s only penpal sticker club!

Quirky Pickle is home of the world’s only penpal sticker club for all ages! Our purpose is to build on literacy, communication, and writing skills, while connecting new friends through our unique and personalized Quirky Pickle packs stuffed with stickers, stationery, penpal pair-ups, and more.

Stickers are also great tools for improving dexterity and tactile skills, helping people to express their creativity, and are just a whole lot of fun!

Everyone loves happy mail, and kids especially love to get things in the real mailbox just for them.

Ages 4 through adults enjoy Quirky Pickle packs, so try us out today!

We also have Quirky Pickle ClassPals packs for groups, which pairs up classrooms or other organizations for a unique learning experience.

Kids & teens need actual pen-to-paper handwriting in their lives, & we inspire the desire through real-life, age-group matched member PENPALS, personalized STICKERS with your unique name and designed only and especially for you, & custom STATIONERY in monthly packs! Join Quirky Pickle Sticker Pals to enjoy throwback fun with real penpals, plus packs of each month’s new custom stickers and stationery, postcards or greeting cards, learning inserts & bonus gifts.

Stickers can be beneficial in several ways:

1. Creativity and Imagination: Stickers can inspire children to use their creativity and imagination. They can create stories, scenes, or artwork using stickers, helping them develop their storytelling and artistic skills.

2. Fine Motor Skills: Peeling off stickers and placing them on paper requires hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. This can help children improve their dexterity and develop better control over their hand movements.

3. Cognitive Development: Stickers can be used to teach children concepts such as shapes, colors, numbers, & letters. They can also be used for sorting & categorizing activities, enhancing cognitive skills like problem-solving & critical thinking.

4. Reward & Motivation: Stickers can serve as a form of positive reinforcement & motivation. They can be used as rewards for completing tasks or achieving goals, which can boost self-esteem & encourage good behavior.

5. Language Development: Stickers with words or pictures can be used to facilitate language development in young children. Parents or educators can engage children in conversations about the stickers, encouraging vocabulary expansion & language comprehension.

6. Emotional Expression: Stickers can be a tool for emotional expression. Children can choose stickers that represent their feelings or emotions & use them to communicate their emotions in a non-verbal way.

Before you leave, snag your child or yourself a membership in Quirky Pickle Sticker Pals – the world’s only penpal sticker club!